Monday, August 31, 2009

new Amy Butler collection: Love

If you're following me in Google Reader, I'm guessing my title got your attention.
Why haven't I heard about this new collection on the zillion blogs I follow?
Amy Butler's newest collection is called Love, which makes it super annoying to google, as you just get a bunch of fabric junkies saying how much they loooooooooove AB.  Anyway, I got the tip from an email from Wish Upon a Quilt, who said that Love is due out in October, and the entire first printing is already sold out.  I managed to find a couple of pictures at the Quilted Castle.  What do you guys think?
Also, I went on a skirt making binge this weekend-- pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I read about it, but haven't seen pictures, so thanks for posting the link. I'm also dying to see D. Schmidt's Hope Valley (I think that's the name?). Have you seen the AB rugs? Now that is LOVE. Although they are handmade and will probably cost a fortune...
