Monday, January 4, 2010


Katie is a woman I work with, who is going through a pretty rough time. So I decided to make her a quilt.This was my own design, and I'm very happy with it. It was laid out prior to sewing into long strips, to make sure all of the little plus signs lined up. I used a lot of my pink and orange scraps, a colour combination that's been pulling me these days. The brown is kona cotton, and I put a 5" wide orange polka dotted border around it all, to pull it all together. I quilted it in random (non-drawn) lines in pink thread. Here's the back:I had made those string blocks about a year and a half ago, and it was part of a quilt that never quite materialized. The pink has a tiny white polka dot, and I put a strip of white on either side of the string blocks.
I'm very pleased with how this turned out. The most time consuming part was getting all of those plus signs where I wanted them, and knowing that I couldn't really change things or add on once I started sewing.
This quilt will be a complete surprise for Katie-- I just hope it brings her comfort and warmth.


  1. I gasped when I came to the first pic in my Reader. So adorable! I love the quilting. I love the asymmetry. I love the colors. Just beautiful all around. I'm sure your friend is going to love it too.

  2. What a wonderful gift for someone having a rough time. She will love it! Who wouldn't? Its gorgeous!

  3. I love the explosion of plus signs - that is really cool!

  4. Hey chica! Just stopping by to see if you were around. Miss you over at Sew Piecefully!

  5. I love this!! Excellent patterns, colors, everything! What a great friend you are. Thank you for your wonderful blog!

  6. What beautiful quilts! They are works of art. Thanks for the comment.

  7. gosh, that is fabulous...full of motion, yet calm at the same time! gorgeous!

  8. What a sweet heart you have and are for doing this for your friend! It's a beautiful quilt!
